Studying as a parent? That’s no problem at JGU! This page includes the most important information on maternity protection for students.
If you become pregnant while studying at JGU, please let us know as soon as possible. If you have already given birth and would like to notify us of a breastfeeding period, please do so as soon as possible as well.
The Maternity Protection Act (Mutterschutzgesetz – MuSchG) only applies to you once you have given notice of your pregnancy or breastfeeding period. JGU can only protect you and your child once you have notified the university. Once you notify the university, your courses and exams will be covered by the Maternity Protection Act. Activities such as library visits are not affected, as the university does not mandate the time, place, or order of these events. The stipulations of the Maternity Protection Act apply for up to 12 months after giving birth.
Complete the form online. You can find it on JOGU-StINe (“Service > Applications > Online applications”). You will need to upload proof (your maternity record or a doctor’s note) as part of the form.
Once you submit the form, the general risk assessments for your courses apply to you. You can find the risk assessments among the documents you can download further down this page. These are meant to ensure that swift action is taken for your protection. These general risk assessments will tell you if the courses in question are safe for those who are pregnant or breastfeeding.
We will notify your faculty of your pregnancy/breastfeeding period. The faculty will examine each course and examination you will take during your pregnancy/breastfeeding period for potential risk and create an individualized detailed risk assessment for you. This replaces the general risk assessments and must be complied with in the future.