Welcome to the JGU Student Service Center. We are your first point of contact for general questions about applying and studying at Johannes Gutenberg University (JGU) Mainz.

Director:Falk Stenger
Deputy Director:Ricarda Weistand
Address for visitors:Johann-Joachim-Becher-Weg 2 (Forum universitatis, entrance 1, 1st floor)
Student Service Center
55128 Mainz
Mailing address: JGU Mainz
Student Services
55099 Mainz
Opening hours:
You can find
temporarily modified opening hours here.

Service hours for the Hotline:
Mon, Wed, Thu, 9:00 am–12:00 noon and 1:00–4:00 pm
Tues, 10:00 am–12:00 noon and 1:00–4:00 pm
Fri, 9:00 am–12:00 noon

Information Desk service hours until September 27, 2024:
Mon–Fri: 10:00 am–12:00 noon
Mon–Thu: 1:00 pm–3:00 pm

Open consultation hours (second-level support):
Tue, 10:00 am–12:00 noon
Wed, 1:00–3:00 pm

You can reach us by email at studsek@uni-mainz.de. In your email, please be sure to state your full name, your date of birth, and your student ID number or application ID, if applicable. If you already study at JGU, we kindly ask you for reasons of data protection to only contact us using your student email address.

The number of our telephone hotline is +49 6131-3922122. You can send us a fax at +49 6131-3925402.