Exmatriculation marks the end of your studies. You can either apply to be exmatriculated or, if the situation warrants it, we will exmatriculate you ex officio.

On this web page, you will find out what you need to consider when exmatriculating and how to submit the correct application.

After we have completed your exmatriculation, we will upload your confirmation of exmatriculation to JOGU-StINe under Service > My documents. You may need to submit this, for example, to other institutions of higher education or to your future employer.

Along with your confirmation of exmatriculation, you will receive a length of study certificate. You will need this to prove your periods of study to the German statutory pension insurance scheme. The confirmation of exmatriculation does not contain any information regarding the reason for exmatriculation.

In case of an exmatriculation ex officio, we will upload a confirmation of exmatriculation in JOGU-StINe immediately after the end of the semester, in which you have been exmatriculated. If you should require the confirmation earlier than this, you can apply for a regular exmatriculation in JOGU-StINe.

You have up to six months following your exmatriculation to access JOGU-StINe and download your confirmation of exmatriculation.

Do you no longer have access to your confirmation of exmatriculation via JOGU-StINe or is it no longer available to you? In this case, you can request a duplicate copy in two steps and a fee will be charged.

  1. Transfer the fee of €15 to the following account:
     Recipient: StudS Uni Mainz
     BIC: MALADE51WOR (Rheinhessen Sparkasse)
     IBAN: DE05 5535 0010 0200 0184 06
     Reference: Zweitschrift + name + student ID number
  2. Write an email or a letter to Student Services and enclose a proof of payment as well as a copy of your ID.

We will typically process your request within four business days and send you a duplicate copy of the confirmation of exmatriculation by email or regular mail, depending on how you filed the request.