Only a limited number of places are available in degree programs with restricted admission. Should there be more applicants than places, applicants will be selected based on predefined criteria.

80% of the places at the university will be allocated according to the overall grade of their university entrance qualification (for admission to master’s degree programs: master’s degree entrance qualification grade). Applicants will be ranked in descending order according to their university entrance qualification grade.
The numerus clausus (NC) represents the minimum grade needed for admission during the semester in question, which is determined by the grade of the last person admitted into the chosen degree program.

What can the NC values tell me?
The NC values from the previous semesters can help you assess whether your university entrance qualification grade is sufficient for securing a place at the university.

20% of the places at the university will be allocated according to wait time. Applicants will be ranked in descending order according to their number of wait semesters.

Wait time: The number of semesters that have passed since receiving the university entrance qualification or master’s degree entrance qualification until the beginning of studies. Semesters in which you were enrolled in a German higher education institution do not count as wait time. A maximum of seven wait semesters can be taken into consideration.

Some degree programs require an aptitude test. The corresponding degree description will tell you if you have to pass an aptitude test for your desired subject.

In the case of applicants with the same grade and an identical wait time, an additional selection criterion will be used: volunteer service.

Volunteer service: If an applicant has submitted a certificate of volunteer service along with their application, they will be ranked higher than an applicant with the same grade and wait time, but without volunteer service. Examples of volunteer service include:

  • Voluntary social year
  • Voluntary ecological year
  • Military service
  • Federal volunteer service

If the grade and wait time of two applicants are identical and both have or have not done volunteer service, a random number generator will decide the ranking of the two applicants.