Have you obtained your school leaving certificate or degree abroad and would like to study at JGU? Then you need to have your international school and university certificates recognized, regardless of whether you are a German citizen or not. You can apply for recognition year round via JOGU-StINe.
Processing time for recognition: approx. 6 weeks
What you usually need to submit:
- Your school leaving certificate: diploma + transcript of records indicating subjects and grades
- Your university entrance examination certificate (only for countries where a university entrance examination is required for admission to a program of study)
- Your university certificates (if you have already studied): diploma + transcript of records indicating subjects and grades
- An uncertified copy of the ID page of your passport
- Complete up-to-date curriculum vitae
- Additional documents depending on the country from which your certificates originate
After we have finished processing your application, we will upload your certificate of recognition to JOGU-StINe.
- Verify the information on your certificate of recognition.
- Download your certificate of recognition in due time. Your account is only valid for a limited time.
- Save your certificate of recognition.
- Simply print out your certificate of recognition if you need to present it in paper form. The certificate of recognition is valid without a signature and stamp.
Now you can start your application for the Studienkolleg, the German language course, or a degree program.
We have evaluated your diplomas and our decision regarding your university entrance qualification is on your certificate of recognition. The document may consist of one or more decisions.
The decision comprises:
- the decision text stating what type of university entrance qualification we can confirm for you
- the grade of the decision, which you need for your application
- the date of the decision
- your specification of subject which determines the subject you can apply for
In general, everyone who wishes to apply to study at JGU with international certificates and is seeking a university degree needs to have these certificates recognized. There are only very few exceptions. Information on these exceptional cases can be found in this information handout.