Are you an international applicant striving to pursue a bachelor’s or state examination degree program at JGU? You can boost your application at JGU by taking the external subject-specific qualifying examination TestAS – Test for Academic Studies.

A good score on the TestAS can improve your selection procedure grade for your application for degree programs with restricted admission. But there are certain conditions you have to meet.

You count as an international applicant if

  • you are not a citizen of one of the EU member states or EEA countries,
  • you do not have a German Abitur or German university degree, or
  • you do not have a European university entrance qualification and do not have a grade conversion to the JGU system.

Depending on how many points you earn on the TestAS, you will receive a certain bonus on your selection procedure grade when you apply.

TestAS standard value (core test)Grade improvement (bonus)
TestAS standard value (subject-specific test module)Grade improvement (bonus)

You apply to study medicine with a university entrance qualification grade of 2.8 and submit the TestAS, having taken the core test and the subject-specific test module “Mathematics, Computer Science, and Natural Sciences” with the following result:

  • Standard value CORE TEST: 115 (corresponding to a grade improvement of 0.3)
  • Standard value SUBJECT-SPECIFIC TEST MODULE: 105 (corresponding to a grade improvement of 0.1)

This results in the following calculation of your grade:

  • 2.8 – 0.3 – 0.1 = 2.4

This results in a selection procedure grade of 2.4.

The different subject-specific modules correspond to different degree programs. Be sure to find out in advance which subject-specific test module to choose.